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Σάββατο, 15 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΑρχικήEnglish EditionThe circle you draw: Handwriting analysis

The circle you draw: Handwriting analysis

By Evi Tsakali,

Every word separates and links; it depends on the writer whether it becomes wound or balm, curse or promise. Sometimes though, it is the word that defines the writer. A capital-lettered “help” is way different than a small-lettered “help”, and “love” with a looped “l” is not like love with a narrow “l”. It is amazing how many things you can discover about yourself just by the circle you draw. This is what concerns handwriting analysis, a sector of science also known as graphology.

Do you think you have the ability to adequately judge a character? Have you always been right? Or have you sometimes found that you have been mistaken at your first impressions? Graphology, as a discipline of studies, examines behavior, and the subconscious or the reasons that lie behind actions, providing information that could not be established in any other way or in such a quick time. This makes graphology a very powerful tool. Handwriting analysis is, therefore, highly effective and necessary in a wide variety of practical situations. 

Image source: daily JSTOR

We shall now explore some traits of our personality that our handwriting reveals. Undoubtedly, one of the first things we notice about someone’s handwriting is the size of the letters. According to graphologists, outgoing personalities tend to write in large letters; introverts prefer to write in small letters, and average size handwriting indicates the capability of concentration. Besides, graphologists check whether the letters are connected or not. Connected letters are indicative of a logical person, whose decisions are based on facts and experience. On the contrary, disconnected letters belong to the imaginative and impulsive, whose decisions are based on intuition. At this point, it is indispensable to refer to punctuation and speed of writing. Excessive punctuation characterizes an emotional or obsessive individual, and quick writing is an impatient one that dislikes wasting time. Slow writers tend to be self-reliant and methodical.

But nothing stops there… Every letter of the alphabet has something to say. A typical example, according to graphologists, is the letter “y”. A broad loop on your lowercase “y” means you have a large circle of friends, while a slender loop suggests you are more selective with whom you allow close to you. In addition to that, a widely looped “l” suggests you are relaxed and spontaneous, while a narrow or retraced “l” means you might be restricting yourself. If you cap off your “t’s” with a long cross, you are likely determined and enthusiastic, possibly with stubborn tendencies. If you use a short cross, however, it could be because you are lazy. If you cross your lowercase “t’s” up high, you likely have many goals and aim high. If you cross them low, it could mean it is time you raised the bar for yourself; low crossers tend to aim low as well. Last but not least, if you dot your “i’s” high on the page, you probably have an active imagination. A closely dotted “i” is the mark of an organized and detail-oriented mind. If you dot your “i’s” to the left, you might be a procrastinator. And if you dot your “i’s” with a circle, you likely have playful and childlike qualities.

Image source: Focus Education

Concluding, it is fascinating how many personality traits can be revealed via something so personal and so unique like our handwriting. In a world where social relationships have become so complicated and each new encounter seems like a challenge, here appears a completely different way of discovering not only others but also ourselves. Next time you meet a new person, take a look at their post-it note. Next time you read your friend’s essay, take a closer look at their handwriting. And, most importantly, write with pride, regardless of the size or the shape of your letters, because there is nothing more personal, nothing more unique, nothing that screams YOU more than the circle you draw…

  • Gal, Shayenne. What does your handwriting say about you? Business Insider. Available here.
  • Handwriting analysis chart. Handwriting & Graphology. Available here.



Evi Tsakali
Evi Tsakali
She was born in 2001 in Athens, Greece. She has graduated from Sorbonne Law School (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) while completing her studies in Political Science and Public Administration at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is currently studying for her Master’s in European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe in Natolin (Warsaw), majoring in EU in the World and writing her thesis on the rise of Golden Dawn in Greece in the context of the financial crisis. She has been writing for Offline Post since October 2020, while pursuing internships in her fields of studies, including -among others- one in the Press and Media Office of the Greek Ministry for Foreign Affairs and one in the Political Office of the Greek Embassy in Paris.